Friday, December 9, 2011

Day 4 Part 1

Today was exciting. I actually have so much to say about it, I had to split this up into two posts in this online journal. Anyway, everyone was productive. The culture results were in. The pathogen, evidently, grows best in pure carbon dioxide with UV radiation as light and worst in oxygen and no light at all. In fact, it seems that it will grow in the presence of sunlight and carbon dioxide. It doesn't need a growth medium... Then we all saw our mistake. We immediately got through to the President's top advisor on science and told him no atomic bomb should ever be detonated anywhere near that organism. It would give the perfect growth medium.
Luckily, the President still hadn't called a directive 7-12. I was heading toward the patient's room when I was thinking about something the man had said last time but I had ignored. He said one woman, before she died, had said 'Oh god my head!' before death. Perhaps, if there was no clotting, brain hemorrhage occurred. I told this with Burton, and his eyes lit up and he said, "The anti-coagulated rats!" He went and ran to the cold storage and took a dead rat out and quickly split its head. The was massive hemorrhage. So that may be how it kills so effectively. It doesn't directly cause clotting, but it attacks the blood vessel's walls! I was thinking of this when the alarm went off.

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